Unit –II Principles of Management
Q.1 In an organization Ashok and Sheela are working at the same posts but being male employee
Ashok has more rights than Sheela. Which value is violated here?
Ans Gender biasness

Q.2 A firm has taken the decision to employ more male employees than female employees
because they can work overtime in case of excess work. Which values are being affected here?
Ans i) Gender biasness
ii) Conservatism
iii) Effect of male dominating society
iv) Inequality of rights for same work
Q.3 An organization proposes the use of CFL’s and LED’s which consumes less electricity than
normal bulbs for its lighting arrangements. Which value is attained by the organization?
Ans. i) Save Electricity
ii) Reduction in Cost

iii) Protection of environment
Q.4 An organization has done plantation around its factory premises and only after purifying
the wastes, it throws it into the drains. Which values are being followed by the organization?
Ans i) Safety from Water and Air Pollution.
ii) Protection of Environment
iii) Fulfilling the Social responsibility
Q.5 An entrepreneur wants to start his business in backward area because govt. gives many
incentives & rebates in taxes. Which results in low cost and he will be able to see the product at
low prices. There he will be able to get large area by deforestation. Which values are being
affected here?
Ans i) Deprivation of environment from deforestation
ii) Availability of goods at low cost
iii) Development of backward areas
iv) Employment opportunities increase in backward area
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