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Saturday 24 August 2013


8. Controlling
SummaryThe managerial function of controlling is indispensable for achieving organizational goals. It is considered to be the last step in the process of management although it is a continuous and on-going activity. The function of control is performed by every manager in an organisation but its nature and scope varies at each level. In the absence of controlling function, it will not be possible for managers to ascertain whether the work performance in an organisation is moving in the right direction.
Meaning of controlling  The managerial function of controlling involves evaluation and correction of the activities of subordinates in order to ensure that plans are successfully implemented and the goals of the organisation are attained.
Purpose of Controlling
•        To find out the deviations in actual performance from planned performance and initiate corrective action if necessary.
•        To ensure that the actual performance is proceeding in the correct manner and in conformity with the plans.
Importance of Control
•        Controlling helps in achieving organizational objectives by ensuring that efforts conform to plans.
•        Controlling ensures efficient use of resources by minimizing their wastage or misuse.
•        Controlling facilitates decision-making as it helps to identify and solve ‘problems which may arise during the course of management through appropriate and timely decisions.
•        Controlling helps to boost the morale of employees-when the actual performance is in accordance with planned targets the employees feel a sense of achievement and pride.
•        Controlling helps in coordination among various departments and within; each department in an enterprise, as it ensures that each activity is carried out correctly. This helps in the smooth functioning of an organisation as all the activities are interrelated and interdependent on each other.
Process of Control
•        The first step in the controlling process involves the determination of standards against which the actual performance has to be measured.
•        The second step involves measurement of actual performance in the same terms in which standards are set.
•        The third step  in  the control process involves comparisons of actual performance against the standards set to find the extent and causes of deviation.
•        The last step in the control process involves taking corrective actions to remove the causes of deviations.
Relationship between Planning and ControlThe managerial functions of planning and controlling are interrelated and interdependent. Planning provides the basis of control and in the absence of controlling, planning is meaningless.
Features of a Good Control System
•        A good control system should be appropriate according to the nature and size of an enterprise.
•        It should be economical, i.e., its cost of operation should not be more than the benefits derived from it.
•        It should be simple to understand and easy to operate.
•        It should follow an objective system of measurement.
•        It should be flexible so that it can be modified easily in the light of changing conditions.
•        It should be forward looking, i.e., it must enable managers to identify deviations and take timely actions.
•        It should focus the attention of managers only on important deviations, rather than checking every bit of performance.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

BUSINESS STUDIES - CBSE - Principles of Management CLASS XII

Unit –II Principles of Management

Q.1 In an organization Ashok and Sheela are working at the same posts but being male employee
Ashok has more rights than Sheela. Which value is violated here?  

Ans   Gender biasness

Q.2 A firm has taken the decision to employ  more  male  employees than female  employees
because they can work overtime in case of excess work. Which values are being affected here?
Ans i) Gender biasness

         ii) Conservatism

        iii) Effect of male dominating society

        iv) Inequality of rights for same work

Q.3 An organization proposes the use of CFL’s and LED’s which consumes less electricity than
normal bulbs for its lighting arrangements. Which value is attained by the organization? 
Ans. i) Save Electricity

ii) Reduction in Cost

iii) Protection of environment

Q.4 An organization has done plantation around its factory premises and only  after purifying
the wastes, it throws it into the drains. Which values are being followed by the organization?   
Ans i) Safety from Water and Air Pollution.

ii) Protection of Environment

iii) Fulfilling the Social responsibility

Q.5 An entrepreneur  wants to start his business in backward  area  because govt. gives many
incentives & rebates in taxes. Which results in low cost and he will be able to see the product at
low prices.  There  he  will  be  able  to get  large  area  by  deforestation. Which values  are  being
affected here?  
Ans i) Deprivation of environment from deforestation 

ii) Availability of goods at low cost

iii) Development of backward areas

iv) Employment opportunities increase in backward area


Unit –II Principles of Management

Q.1 In an organization Ashok and Sheela are working at the same posts but being male employee
Ashok has more rights than Sheela. Which value is violated here?  

Ans   Gender biasness

Q.2 A firm has taken the decision to employ  more  male  employees than female  employees
because they can work overtime in case of excess work. Which values are being affected here?
Ans i) Gender biasness

         ii) Conservatism

        iii) Effect of male dominating society

        iv) Inequality of rights for same work

Q.3 An organization proposes the use of CFL’s and LED’s which consumes less electricity than
normal bulbs for its lighting arrangements. Which value is attained by the organization? 
Ans. i) Save Electricity

ii) Reduction in Cost

iii) Protection of environment

Q.4 An organization has done plantation around its factory premises and only  after purifying
the wastes, it throws it into the drains. Which values are being followed by the organization?   
Ans i) Safety from Water and Air Pollution.

ii) Protection of Environment

iii) Fulfilling the Social responsibility

Q.5 An entrepreneur  wants to start his business in backward  area  because govt. gives many
incentives & rebates in taxes. Which results in low cost and he will be able to see the product at
low prices.  There  he  will  be  able  to get  large  area  by  deforestation. Which values  are  being
affected here?  
Ans i) Deprivation of environment from deforestation 

ii) Availability of goods at low cost

iii) Development of backward areas

iv) Employment opportunities increase in backward area




This is a collection of the key terminologies and concepts used in modern business. If you have a comfortable grasp over these, you will definitely fare well in GK, Group Discussions, and Personal Interviews. A vast range of terminologies has been compiled  just for YOUR benefit. Use this seriously.

ABC is a method of stock control in which each item is designated by the letter A, B or C depending upon its value relative to the total expenditure of production-materials. A goods are low-volume,high-cost items and C goods are the numerous low.-cost items. Also called split inventory method, it is a simple & effective method of inventory gradation.

The exclusive control of the output of a commodity or service, for which no substitute is available, vested in a single product or supplier. This will create an unfair advantage for the producer who can charge exorbitant premiums, render poor services and still exploit the hapless consumers.An advantage of a -free market economy is the creation of competition with lower chances of absolute  monopolies getting a Stronghold. Example of present day absolute monopolies -Indian insurance sector which is a monopoly of the government.

The period of time covered by business, financial and management accounts.Financial accounts are generally prepared once or twice in twelve calendar months, but the interval for management accounts must be much shorter in order to ensure adequate management control over the regular operations.

Profit which is not paid as dividend (to the shareholder) but is carried into the accounts of the following year.

Big fish eating little fish; one company taking over controlling interest in another company.Since high prices are often paid to acquire shares of the target company, clever investors often make a neat profit by exploiting the situation. Example : Acquisition of TOMCO by HLL.

A market in which there is a lot of buying and selling. It generally indicates investor confidence and high liquidity conditions. The market could be of stocks, metals, grains, etc.

A part-owner in a business partnership who is actively involved in the normal working operations of the business. Also called general partner. One who doesn’t participate is a Sleeping partner.

Shares in which there are frequent and day-to-day dealings, as distinguished from partly   active shares in which dealings are not so frequent. Most shares of leading companies would be active,particularly those which are sensitive to economic and political events and are, therefore, subject to sudden price movements. Some market analysts would define active shares as those which, are bought and sold at least three times a week. Easy to buy or sell.

A sudden or violent act of nature which is neither caused by, nor can be prevented by, human intervention and cannot reasonably be expected to have been foreseen. Contracts are frequently not enforceable where failure to perform is due to an act of God.

A sworn statement made before a commissioner of oaths. It is sometimes needed by a company when a deed of transfer is signed by power of attorney.

The second stage in the offer of company shares to the public. After the public has applied for the shares, they are allotted to them by the company. If the share issue has been oversubscribed, various criteria may be used for the allotment, such as by ballot, to small investors or to employees. Applicants who are allotted shares are advised in allotment letters.

The combining of _ all or some of the assets and liabilities of two or more businesses into a single organization. This is accomplished by the formation of a single new business or by the absorption by one business of the other.

Public offerings by non-US companies (and we’re most concerned with Indian companies) in the US are called American Depository Receipts. ADRs are negotiable receipts issued to investors by an authorized depository, normally a US bank or depository, in lieu of shares of the foreign company, which are actually held by the depository. ADRs can be listed and traded in a US-based stock exchange and help the Indian company to be known in the highly liquid US stock exchanges.ADRs also help the US-based and other foreign investors to have the twin benefits of having shareholding in a high growth Indian company and the convenience of trading in a highly liquid and well-known stock  market.

AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE (AMEX) At 86 Trinity Place, New York, the second largest stock exchange in America. Till 1921, it was known as the Curb’(= Brit. Kerb) Exchange.

AMORTIZATION The gradual extinction of a debt or liability by means of periodic repayment or redemption, usually through the operation of a sinking fund.

ANNUAL DEPRECIATION The reduction in book value of an asset at a certain percentage rate per annum.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING A meeting of the members of a business organization held once every calendar year to consider the general state of the organization, including its financial position. Matters discussed at such meetings include the financial accounts of the company, together with directors’ and auditors’ reports, the appointment of directors & auditors, & the declaration of dividends. In recent times, the small shareholders’ conduct . at AGMs has been a problem for most managements!

ANNUITY A type of pension in which an insurance company pays an annual income in return for a lump-sum payment. This annual income may be for a certain period only, for the individual’s lifetime, or in perpetuity.

APPLIED ECONOMICS A branch of economics which relates the principles of economic theory and the techniques of economic analysis to the practical problems of business, government, etc.

APPRECIATION An increase in the value of an asset over its purchase price or book value. (Also - the process of valuing an asset.)

1. Profiting from differences in price of the same share traded on two or more stock exchanges. An arbitraguer makes money by buying in the lower market and immediately thereafter or simultaneously selling in the higher market, thereby making a profit.
2. Buying shares in companies whose share price is likely to rise because of possible takeover deals.
3. The moving of funds from one market to another to benefit from price differentials. The price differential must be large enough to cover any transaction costs. Arbitrage ensures that currency exchange rates are in harmony throughout the world, since otherwise there would be wholesale movements of capital between the world’s financial centres.

ARBITRATION Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolutionmechanism provided by a stock exchange for resolving disputes between the trading members and their clients in respect of trades done on the exchange. This process of resolving a dispute is comparatively faster than other means of redressal.

ASSESSMENT The valuation placed on property for rating purposes. Example - Income tax assessment,

ASSET 1. Any business resource -both tangible and intangible - acquired at a monetary cost and which is expected to be of benefit to the business for a period of time, such as buildings, machinery, etc. Intangibles include goodwill etc. 2. Any resource of a deceased or insolvent person from which claims may be met.

ASSET LIFE The time period during which an asset is expected to contribute value to the operations of a business.

ASSET STRIPPING The taking over of a company with share values below their asset value, usually for the purpose of closing it down and selling off the assets.

ASSET VALUE or NET ASSET VALUE (NAV) Term used by MUTUAL FUNDS, MASTERSHARES, and other investment trusts, to indicate the net tangible asset value of each share. Calculated by taking the total value of an investment portfolio on market rates on a certain date and dividing it by the number of outstanding shares. The net asset value of a mutual fund share indicates how well or badly the fund managers have played the stock market.

AT A PREMIUM At a price higher than that printed on the share certificate, i.e., above par. When a well-established company issues new shares, either as rights or to the public, it may ask for a higher price. The difference between the face value and the price at which a share is now being issued is called the premium.

AT PAR A price equal to the face value of a share, i.e., if the face value of a share is Rs 10 or Rs 100 it is being issued or selling at Rs 10 or Rs 100.


1. A court order obtained by a creditor whereby money due to the debtor by third parties  becomes the property of the creditor. The order may also prevent the disposal of the debtor’s goods which are held by third parties.

2. An order for the imprisonment of a person who is in contempt of court.

AUCTION The sale of property by competition. Subject to a possible reserve price, the property is sold to that party making the highest bid, the contract being binding upon the fall of the hammer. Ex - Property auctions by the IT department.

AUDIT The systematic examination of the records, books of account and financial documents of a business in order to determine the accuracy of the recording of transactions and to verify the statements and reports prepared during the period under review. This facilitates honest and proper tax payments.

AUTHORIZED SHARE CAPITAL The maximum number of shares that a company may issue, stated in the memorandum and articles of association of the company. A company may initially issue fewer shares. The authorized capital can be increased with the consent both of the shareholders and the SEBI.



This is a collection of the key terminologies and concepts used in modern business. If you have a comfortable grasp over these, you will definitely fare well in GK, Group Discussions, and Personal Interviews. A vast range of terminologies has been compiled  just for YOUR benefit. Use this seriously.

ABC is a method of stock control in which each item is designated by the letter A, B or C depending upon its value relative to the total expenditure of production-materials. A goods are low-volume,high-cost items and C goods are the numerous low.-cost items. Also called split inventory method, it is a simple & effective method of inventory gradation.

The exclusive control of the output of a commodity or service, for which no substitute is available, vested in a single product or supplier. This will create an unfair advantage for the producer who can charge exorbitant premiums, render poor services and still exploit the hapless consumers.An advantage of a -free market economy is the creation of competition with lower chances of absolute  monopolies getting a Stronghold. Example of present day absolute monopolies -Indian insurance sector which is a monopoly of the government.

The period of time covered by business, financial and management accounts.Financial accounts are generally prepared once or twice in twelve calendar months, but the interval for management accounts must be much shorter in order to ensure adequate management control over the regular operations.

Profit which is not paid as dividend (to the shareholder) but is carried into the accounts of the following year.

Big fish eating little fish; one company taking over controlling interest in another company.Since high prices are often paid to acquire shares of the target company, clever investors often make a neat profit by exploiting the situation. Example : Acquisition of TOMCO by HLL.

A market in which there is a lot of buying and selling. It generally indicates investor confidence and high liquidity conditions. The market could be of stocks, metals, grains, etc.

A part-owner in a business partnership who is actively involved in the normal working operations of the business. Also called general partner. One who doesn’t participate is a Sleeping partner.

Shares in which there are frequent and day-to-day dealings, as distinguished from partly   active shares in which dealings are not so frequent. Most shares of leading companies would be active,particularly those which are sensitive to economic and political events and are, therefore, subject to sudden price movements. Some market analysts would define active shares as those which, are bought and sold at least three times a week. Easy to buy or sell.

A sudden or violent act of nature which is neither caused by, nor can be prevented by, human intervention and cannot reasonably be expected to have been foreseen. Contracts are frequently not enforceable where failure to perform is due to an act of God.

A sworn statement made before a commissioner of oaths. It is sometimes needed by a company when a deed of transfer is signed by power of attorney.

The second stage in the offer of company shares to the public. After the public has applied for the shares, they are allotted to them by the company. If the share issue has been oversubscribed, various criteria may be used for the allotment, such as by ballot, to small investors or to employees. Applicants who are allotted shares are advised in allotment letters.

The combining of _ all or some of the assets and liabilities of two or more businesses into a single organization. This is accomplished by the formation of a single new business or by the absorption by one business of the other.

Public offerings by non-US companies (and we’re most concerned with Indian companies) in the US are called American Depository Receipts. ADRs are negotiable receipts issued to investors by an authorized depository, normally a US bank or depository, in lieu of shares of the foreign company, which are actually held by the depository. ADRs can be listed and traded in a US-based stock exchange and help the Indian company to be known in the highly liquid US stock exchanges.ADRs also help the US-based and other foreign investors to have the twin benefits of having shareholding in a high growth Indian company and the convenience of trading in a highly liquid and well-known stock  market.

AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE (AMEX) At 86 Trinity Place, New York, the second largest stock exchange in America. Till 1921, it was known as the Curb’(= Brit. Kerb) Exchange.

AMORTIZATION The gradual extinction of a debt or liability by means of periodic repayment or redemption, usually through the operation of a sinking fund.

ANNUAL DEPRECIATION The reduction in book value of an asset at a certain percentage rate per annum.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING A meeting of the members of a business organization held once every calendar year to consider the general state of the organization, including its financial position. Matters discussed at such meetings include the financial accounts of the company, together with directors’ and auditors’ reports, the appointment of directors & auditors, & the declaration of dividends. In recent times, the small shareholders’ conduct . at AGMs has been a problem for most managements!

ANNUITY A type of pension in which an insurance company pays an annual income in return for a lump-sum payment. This annual income may be for a certain period only, for the individual’s lifetime, or in perpetuity.

APPLIED ECONOMICS A branch of economics which relates the principles of economic theory and the techniques of economic analysis to the practical problems of business, government, etc.

APPRECIATION An increase in the value of an asset over its purchase price or book value. (Also - the process of valuing an asset.)

1. Profiting from differences in price of the same share traded on two or more stock exchanges. An arbitraguer makes money by buying in the lower market and immediately thereafter or simultaneously selling in the higher market, thereby making a profit.
2. Buying shares in companies whose share price is likely to rise because of possible takeover deals.
3. The moving of funds from one market to another to benefit from price differentials. The price differential must be large enough to cover any transaction costs. Arbitrage ensures that currency exchange rates are in harmony throughout the world, since otherwise there would be wholesale movements of capital between the world’s financial centres.

ARBITRATION Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolutionmechanism provided by a stock exchange for resolving disputes between the trading members and their clients in respect of trades done on the exchange. This process of resolving a dispute is comparatively faster than other means of redressal.

ASSESSMENT The valuation placed on property for rating purposes. Example - Income tax assessment,

ASSET 1. Any business resource -both tangible and intangible - acquired at a monetary cost and which is expected to be of benefit to the business for a period of time, such as buildings, machinery, etc. Intangibles include goodwill etc. 2. Any resource of a deceased or insolvent person from which claims may be met.

ASSET LIFE The time period during which an asset is expected to contribute value to the operations of a business.

ASSET STRIPPING The taking over of a company with share values below their asset value, usually for the purpose of closing it down and selling off the assets.

ASSET VALUE or NET ASSET VALUE (NAV) Term used by MUTUAL FUNDS, MASTERSHARES, and other investment trusts, to indicate the net tangible asset value of each share. Calculated by taking the total value of an investment portfolio on market rates on a certain date and dividing it by the number of outstanding shares. The net asset value of a mutual fund share indicates how well or badly the fund managers have played the stock market.

AT A PREMIUM At a price higher than that printed on the share certificate, i.e., above par. When a well-established company issues new shares, either as rights or to the public, it may ask for a higher price. The difference between the face value and the price at which a share is now being issued is called the premium.

AT PAR A price equal to the face value of a share, i.e., if the face value of a share is Rs 10 or Rs 100 it is being issued or selling at Rs 10 or Rs 100.


1. A court order obtained by a creditor whereby money due to the debtor by third parties  becomes the property of the creditor. The order may also prevent the disposal of the debtor’s goods which are held by third parties.

2. An order for the imprisonment of a person who is in contempt of court.

AUCTION The sale of property by competition. Subject to a possible reserve price, the property is sold to that party making the highest bid, the contract being binding upon the fall of the hammer. Ex - Property auctions by the IT department.

AUDIT The systematic examination of the records, books of account and financial documents of a business in order to determine the accuracy of the recording of transactions and to verify the statements and reports prepared during the period under review. This facilitates honest and proper tax payments.

AUTHORIZED SHARE CAPITAL The maximum number of shares that a company may issue, stated in the memorandum and articles of association of the company. A company may initially issue fewer shares. The authorized capital can be increased with the consent both of the shareholders and the SEBI.